Aman Askarizad / Martina Miño Pérez
The Transparent Accent is a metaphorical dialogue between visual and musical rhythms and forms that create fragmented meanings towards identity. The performance will combine and juxtapose various cultural and historical elements, emphasising the multilayered complexity and beauty embedded in the exchanges between different cultures. Being influenced by colonialism at a different time and scale, artists in The Transparent Accent explore the multiple forms that identity can take through the inevitable movement of bodies and the consequences of this movement.
Transparent Accent (2017)
Transparent Accent was performed Live at
performance at Catalysti anti-racism event. Lava clubi, Helsinki, Finland 2017
Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM), Tallin 2018
Transparent Accent, Live performance, Supermarket Art Fair, Sweden 2018

stills from the performance at Supermarket Art Fair, Stockholm, Sweden. 2018